CCNA2 SRWE Module 7 - DHCPv4

Date Subject Lesson Plan
10/15/24 CCNA2

CCNA2v7 Module 7 Reading Organizer

Reference: Cisco Certification Guide, Volume 2, Chapter 7, pgs. 122-142

Start Module 7 - DHCPv4

Discussion: DHCP Server vs. Router
Video: Windows Server : How to Setup a DHCP Server for Multiple Subnets/VLANs (7:26)

Read: 7.0.1 Why should I take this module?

Read: 7.0.2 What will I learn to do in this module?

Start Module 7, Section 1 - DHCPv4 Concepts

Video: Professor Messer: DHCP Overview (8:36)

Read: 7.1.1 DHCPv4 Server and Client

Read: 7.1.2 DHCPv4 Operation

Read: 7.1.3 Steps to Obtain a Lease

Read: 7.1.4 Steps to Renew a Lease

Activity: 7.1.5 Check Your Understanding - DHCPv4 Concepts

Assignment: Module 7 Study Guide 1-7


Read: Wireless Settings

Lab: Connect and Test the Wireless Connection (Start)
Link: Default user/password list example

Lab Configuration Data:

Don't use the WI-Fi protected mode - Use MANUAL mode

Router IP Address:
DHCP Server Starting IP Address:
Maximum number of users: 25
Router Admin Username: cisco Password: class
Your Assigned SSID: The student's name
Wireless Security Option and Passphrase: WPA2Personal and use passphrase: ILoveCisco

Review BPA Computer Networking Contest 2012

Lab: Share Resources

10/16/24 CCNA2

1:00 Cybersecurity Career Conversations

Finish your labs!!

Video: NFT's Explained (3:33)
Video: IPFS: Interplanetary File Storage (9:14)

Start Module 7, Section 2 - Configure a Cisco IOS DHCPv4 Server

Video: Professor Messer: Configuring DHCP (7:39)

Read: 7.2.1 Cisco IOS DHCPv4 Server

Read: 7.2.2 Steps to Configure a Cisco IOS DHCPv4 Server

Read: 7.2.3 Configuration Example

Read: 7.2.4 DHCPv4 Verification Commands

Read: 7.2.5 Verify DHCPv4 is Operational

Activity: 7.2.6 Syntax Checker - Configure DHCPv4

Read: 7.2.7 Disable the Cisco IOS DHCPv4 Server

Read: 7.2.8 DHCPv4 Relay

Read: 7.2.9 Other Service Broadcasts Relayed

PT: 7.2.10 Configure DHCPv4

Assignment: Module 7 Study Guide 8-17


Read: VPN Access in Windows

Read: Telnet and SSH
Video: Professor Messer: Kerberos (9:54)
Video: Asymmetric Encryption - Simply Explained (4:40)

PT: Use Telnet and SSH

Embedded Video: Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance

Lab: Windows Remote Desktop and Assistance (45 min)

Activity: Check Your Understanding: Remote Desktop and Assistance

10/17/24 CCNA2

Review BPA Computer Networking Contest 2012

Start Module 7, Section 3 - Configure a DHCPv4 Client

PT: 7.4.1 Implement DHCPv4

Lab: 7.4.2 Implement DHCPv4

Read: 7.3.1 Cisco Router as a DHCPv4 Client
Reference: Cisco Official Cert Guide pg. 143-144

Read: 7.3.2 Configuration Example

Read: 7.3.3 Home Router as a DHCPv4 Client

Activity: 7.3.4 Syntax Checker - Configure a Cisco Router as DHCP Client

Start Module 7, Section 4 - Module Practice and Quiz

Read: 7.4.3 What did I learn in this module?

Activity: 7.4.4 Module Quiz - DHCPv4

Study for Module 7 Test

Assignment: Module 7 Study Guide 18-21 (finish)


None today

10/18/24 CCNA2

Review Video: Keith Barker: DHCP and DHCP Relay (1:08:11)

Lab: 7.4.2 Implement DHCPv4 (finish)


Start Chapter 11, Section 6 - Preventive Maintenance Plan Contents

Lab: Manage the Startup Folder (30 min)

Read: Windows Updates

Video Demonstration: Scheduling Tasks

Lab: Schedule a Task using the GUI and the Command Line (30 min)

Read: Restore Points

Read: Hard Drive Backup

  BPA Prep Work on BPA judged events
10/21/24 CCNA2

Review Video: Jason Johnson: DHCP Module 7 (12:22)

12:00 Test: Module 7

Start Module 8


Video Demonstration: Back up and Restore

Lab: System Restore and Hard Drive Backup
You may not be able to create/find a second partition